Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New Comic! Amazing!

Click the link to see Yo Gabba Gabardine on Trip City, "a Brooklyn filtered literary arts salon"

Dylan Cover Alert

My Banjitar is a 6 string guitar with a banjo body. Here's an example of its sound on a version of a Dylan classic, with a photo slideshow of the view from the long train ride between Long Branch, NJ and Manhattan - which is both boring and beautiful. 

Team USA from 2003. My tune, bass and vocal

Visit My Tumblr for more more more!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More than Music!

I love Hip Hop, don't even mind defending it. But what I love more is finding funny stuff laying on the sidewalk, like say some bling-tastically awful rhymes on a sheet of notebook paper across the street from a storefront recording studio. I hope he had them memorized. Warning: offensive